These are the blocks already taken as part of the Quilt Trails of WNC Project.

We do not allow duplicate quilt blocks. You can order your custom quilt from here.

Quilt blocks marked by a *star* below are custom designed; 

Block NameTrailLocation
Twelve Crowns 12 CrownsLickskillet509 Hidden Creek Lane, Burnsville [off Possum Trot; requires 4-wheel drive]
'65 VetteCustom Block’65 VetteBurnsvilleBurnsville Chevrolet, 623 W Main St, Burnsville
Airplanes AirplanesSpruce Pine1208 McHone Rd, Spruce Pine
Airplanes Airplanes Mooresville, NC
Alaska AlaskaSpruce Pine1149 Hamburg Rd, Ledger
Alpine Tree width= Alpine TreeCeloAlpine Village Resort, 40 National Forest Dr. in Yancey County
Awesome Education PuzzleCustom BlockAmazing Education PuzzleBakersvilleGouge Elementary, Bakersville
Amish Star Amish StarBurnsvilleYe Olde Country Store, 240 E Main St, Burnsville
Antique Shop Tulip Antique Shop TulipBakersvilleAnita’s Atelier, 7 N Mitchell Ave, Bakersville
Apple Tree Apple TreeCelo1025 Orchard Rd at Altapass; off Blue Ridge Parkway, east of Spruce Pine
Apple Tree Hill Apple Tree HillPensacola429 Wildwood Dr, Pensacola
Arbuckle Coffee PotCustom BlockArbuckle Coffee PotArbuckle30 Wanna B Lane, Burnsville
Baker's Fan Baker’s FanGreen Mountain4145 Hwy 197N, Tipton Hill
Balance BalanceBurnsvilleUnited Community Bank – corner of Hwy 19E and 197, Burnsville
Bard of Avon Bard of AvonBurnsvilleParkway Playhouse Theater, 202 Green Mountain Dr, Burnsville
Baseball BaseballPensacolaIntersection of Hwy 197 S and Cattail Creek Rd, Burnsville
Basket Basket Morganton, NC
Basket of Diamonds Basket of DiamondsBurnsvilleBanks Jewelers, 605 E Main St, Burnsville
Basket of Stars Basket of Stars Norwood, NC
Black Beauty Black BeautyGreen Mountain600 State Hwy 197S, Green Mountain
Blazing Star Blazing StarCelo420 Falling Water Dr, Burnsville
Blue Ridge Mountain AppluCustom BlockBlue Ridge Apple TreePensacola12041 State Rd 197 S, Burnsville
Books & Coffee CupsCustom BlockBooks & Coffee CupsLittle SwitzerlandLittle Switzerland Book Store, Little Switzerland
Bradford 9 Patch Bradford 9 PatchBee Log54 Greenleaf Rd [off Bald Mtn Rd], Burnsville
Bradford 9 Patch Bradford 9 PatchGreen MountainToe River Rd Extension, Green Mountain
Bridge to LearningCustom BlockBridge To Learning Haywood County
Breadbasket Star Breadbasket StarBurnsville525 W Main Street [at corner of Westover], Burnsville
Bridle Path Bridle PathCeloAppalachian Therapeutic Riding, Lower Brown’s Creek Rd, Celo
Brush Arbor MeetingCustom BlockBrush Arbor Meeting Haywood County
Broken Dishes Broken DishesBurnsvilleNew To You Furniture, 601 E Main St, Burnsville
Burnsville BobcatCustom BlockBurnsville BobcatArbuckleBurnsville Elementary School
Buzzard's Roost Buzzard’s RoostBakersville147 Pine Dr, Bakersville
Butterfly ButterflyPensacolaHospice, 856 George’s Fork Rd, Burnsville
Buzzard's Roost Butterfly BushCeloSarah House Pottery Studio, 315 Coventry Lane [off Hwy 80S], Celo
Card Trick Card TrickBurnsville505 Barebridge Dr, Burnsville
Carolina Flower Garden Carolina Flower GardenGreen Mountain6862 Hwy 197 N, Green Mountain
Rising Stars Carpenter’s StarGreen Mountain10149 Hwy 197 N, Burnsville
Carpenter's Star Carpenter’s StarLickskilletHwy 19W near intersection with 19
Cartwheel Constellation Cartwheel ConstellationBurnsvilleAlpine Design, 509 East Main St., Burnsville
 Cathedral WindowsBurnsville151 Church Rd., Burnsville
Cattails Cattail StarPensacola43 Up the Creek Lane, Burnsville
CattailsCustom BlockCattailsPensacolaCattail Community Center, Cattail Creek Rd, Burnsville
Cat Tracks & Snail TrailsCustom BlockCat Tracks and Snail TrailsSpruce PineWeaving Cabin, Penland School of Craft, Penland
Christmas Star Christmas StarLickskillet1014 Banks Creek Rd, Burnsville
Circuit BoardCustom BlockCircuit BoardBurnsvilleRadio Shack, Burnsville
Circular Saw Circular SawBurnsvilleHeritage Lumber Company, 570 US Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville
City Streets & StirrupsCustom BlockCity Streets & Stirrups Waynesville Police Station, Waynesville, NC
Clay's Compromise Clay’s CompromiseCeloMcWhirter Pottery Studio, Hwy 80S, Celo
Coathanger Star Coat Hanger StarBurnsvilleQuality Cleaners, W Main St, Burnsville
Corn and Beans Corn & BeansBurnsvilleFox Country Store, Cherry St, Burnsville
Courthouse Steps Courthouse StepsBurnsvilleYancey County Courthouse, Town Square, Burnsville
Cross and Crown Cross & CrownBurnsvilleAvery St, Burnsville
Cross and Crown Cross & CrownLickskilletBald Creek Methodist Church, Hwy 19 & Pleasant Valley Rd, Burnsville
Cross and Crown Cross & CrownLickskillet495 Ball Rd, Burnsville
Crystal Star Crystal StarBurnsvilleDavid’s Ltd, 105 W Main St, Burnsville
Cupid's Own Cupid’s OwnBurnsville214 Pine Cone Lane, Burnsville
Dahlia DahliaBakersville1562 Hwy 261, Bakersville; on right, heading toward Roan Mtn
Doctor on CallCustom BlockDoctor on CallBakersvilleBakersville Community Medical Clinic, North Mitchell Avenue, Bakersville
Doctor's Day Off Doctor’s Day OffGreen Mountain270 Grace Way, Green Mountain
Dogwood DogwoodBakersvilleMitchell County Historical Museum, at the junction of Crimson Laurel Way [226 Hwy], Roan Mountain Rd [261], and Toecane Rd [226 Hwy] , Bakersville
Dogwood DogwoodSpruce PineSpruce Pine Public Library, 142 Walnut Ave, Spruce Pine
Double Wedding Ring Double Wedding RingGreen Mountain188 Sams Branch Rd, Green Mountain
Double DutyCustom BlockDouble DutyBurnsvilleBack of The Grapevine, 11-13 W Main St, Burnsville; can be seen from Hwy 19 near the center of town
Double Vision Double VisionSpruce PineAppalachian Eye Associates, 54 Hill St, Spruce Pine
Dove in the Window Dove in the Window Macon, NC
Down By the RiverCustom BlockDown By the RiverLickskilletCane River Middle School, Cane River Middle School Rd, Burnsville
DozerCustom BlockDozerLickskilletYoung & McQueen, Corner of Hwy 19E & Crestview Rd, Burnsville
Dragonfly DragonflyCeloMountain Farm, Copperhead Lane [off Hall’s Chapel Rd], Celo
Dream Ship Dream ShipLittle SwitzerlandLittle Switzerland Book Store, Little Switzerland
Dresden Plate Dresden PlateArbuckleMicaville Presbyterian Church, Hwy 80S, Micaville
Drunkard's Trail Drunkard’s TrailCeloLinda Sharpless Pottery Studio, 1280 Chestnut Mtn Rd, Celo
Duck Creek Puzzle Duck Creek PuzzleBakersville717 Duck Branch Rd, Bakersville
Duck's Foot in the Mud Puddle Duck’s Foot in the MudBurnsvilleStudios of John Richards & Claudia Dunaway, Yummy Mud Puddle, 264 Clear View Ln, Burnsville
Egan Star Egan StarCelo451 Cabbage Patch Rd., Burnsville
Ella's Star Ella’s Star 380 Riverwood Dr E, Burnsville
Empty Spools Empty SpoolsBurnsville106 N Main St, Burnsville
Farmer's Wife Farmer’s WifeGreen Mountain8766 Jack’s Creek Rd, Green Mountainn
Farmer's Wife Star Farmer’s Wife StarGreen Mountain1409 Coxes Creek Rd, Green Mountain
Fields and MountainsCustom BlockFields and MountainsLickskilletBaker’s Creek Rd, Burnsville
Firefighter FirefighterLickeskillet427 Byrd Mtn Estate, Burnsville
Fireman's Blanket Fireman’s BlanketCeloLittle Switzerland Fire Dept, Chestnut Grove Church Rd, Little Switzerland
Fish FishPensacola4125 Pensacola Rd, Burnsville
FishCustom BlockFish SkilletBurnsville2266 Chestnut Mountain Rd. Burnsville
Floral Centerpiece Floral CenterpieceBurnsvilleBurnsville Florist, Hillside Dr, Burnsville
Flower of the Woods Flower of the WoodsArbuckle66 EnergyXchange Dr [off Hwy 80N], Burnsville
Friendship Star Friendship StarBakersville11473 Hwy 226N, Buladean
Garden Beauty Garden BeautyLickskilletCarolina Native Nursery, 126 Prices Creek Rd, Burnsville
Georgia DawgCustom BlockGeorgia Dawg Wolf Laurel, NC
Girl's Favorite Girl’s FavoriteBurnsvilleI Though About You, 112 W Main St, Burnsville
Glass Quilt Glass QuiltCeloRob Levin’s Glass Studio, 669 Upper Browns Creek Rd., Burnsville
Going Postal Going PostalBakersville4815 Hwy 80, Bakersville
Golf Ball BoogieCustom BlockGolf Ball BoogieSpruce Pine225 Woods Rd, Spruce Pine
Grandmothers's Dream Grandmother’s DreamCelo210 Tanglewood Hollow, Celo
Grandmother's Flower Garden Grandmother’s Flower GardenGreen Mountain3467 Hwy 197N, Green Mountain
Grandmother's Quilt Grandmother’s QuiltArbuckleW.H. Presnell Barn, Hwy 19E at George’s Fork Rd, east of Burnsville
Grammy's Quilt Grammy’s QuiltLickskillet264 Blueberry Dr, Burnsville; off Monroe King Rd, which is off 19W, which is off 19E; turn right at the tobacco barn, then left onto Monroe King after crossing the river.
Hard Times Hard TimesBakersville4231 Cane Creek Rd, Bakersville
Harmony Square Harmony SquareCelo15 Miners Trace Rd, The Cove at Celo Mountain, Celo
Harvest Sun Harvest SunCeloFirefly Farm, 534 Grindstaff Rd, Celo
Hearts and Rings Hearts & RingsPensacola901 Bolen’s Creek Rd, Burnsville
Hearts & Stars Hearts and StarsCelo222 Heartland Lane, Celo
Heavenly Stars Heavenly StarsGreen MountainBrummet’s Creek Church of the Brethren, 6243 NC Hwy 197 N, Bakersville
Heirloom Jewel Heirloom JewelSpruce PineJ & R Country Antiques, 88 Jack Sullins Rd, Spruce Pine
Homemaker's House Homemaker’s DreamBurnsvilleCarolina Mountain Realty, Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville
Honeybees in the Garden Honeybees in the GardenArbuckle8865 Hwy 80 North, Burnsville
Hummingbird HummingbirdCelo2160 South Toe River Rd, Celo
I Love Cats & DogsCustom BlockI Love Cats & DogsBurnsvilleYancey County Humane Society, Burnsville
Indian Canoes Indian Canoes The Little Princess Restaurant, 1681 Acquoni Rd, Cherokee, NC
Indian Mat Indian MatGreen Mountain390 Parson Branch Rd, Green Mountain [Take Jack’s Creek north to Peterson Branch; turn left onto Peterson Branch; turn left onto Parson Branch; block is on barn about 3/4 mile up road on right.]
Indian Meadow Indian Meadow 1687 Acquoni Rd, Cherokee, NC
Indian Puzzle Indian PuzzleSpruce Pine2009 Maned Goose Court
Iris IrisBee Log3674 Bald Mtn Rd, Bee Log Community
Kubota TractorCustom BlockKubota TractorBee Log165 Bass Lane, Burnsville
Lattice Star Lattice Star  
Laurel Wreath Laurel WreathBakersvilleCrimson Laurel Gallery, 23 Crimson Laurel Way, Bakersville
Leaves in the SpokesCustom BlockLeaves in the SpokesBurnsvilleSolstice Cycles & New Leaf Designs, 771 W Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville
Lena's Choice Lena’s ChoiceGreen Mountain174 Crest Line Dr, Green Mountain
Life's PathCustom BlockLife’s Path On the Hospice Building, Haywood County, NC
Lightning in the Hills Lightning in the HillsBakersville3485 Hwy 80N, Bandana
**this block can only be seen traveling south on 80; look up to the left to see it immediately past Bandana Pottery
Lilac LilacBakersvilleMitchell County Public Library, 18 N Mitchell Ave, Bakersville
Lily LilyCeloToe River Crafts, Hwy 80S, Celo
Moon and StarCustom BlockLittle Poplar SchoolhouseBakersvilleMitchell High School
Little Red Schoolhouse Little Red SchoolhousePensacola435 River Walk Dr, Burnsville
Log Cabin Log CabinBee LogBee Log Elementary School, 55 Bee Log Rd [seen from Bald Mtn Rd], Bee Log Community
Log Cabin Star Log Cabin StarCelo7 Mile Ridge Rd, Celo
Lone Star Lone StarBee Log3591 Bald Mtn Rd, Bee Log Community
Love's Chain Love’s ChainPensacola14 CC Allen Rd, Hwy 197 S, Burnsville
Magic Carpet Magic CarpetSpruce PineBlue Ridge Properties, 286 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine
Maple Leaf Maple LeafSpruce PineToe River Arts Council, 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine
Maple Leaf StarCustom BlockMaple Leaf StarLickskilletMaple Creek Farm, 1641 Lickskillet Rd, Burnsville
Mariner's Compass Mariner’s CompassBakersville327 Rebels Creek Rd., Bakersville
McIntosh DaughterCustom BlockMcIntosh DaughterBurnsville212 W Main St, Jill’s Hairport, Burnsville
McIntosh Star McIntosh StarBurnsvilleMcIntosh Barn, Red Barn Ln [off Westside, which is off 19E], west edge of Burnsville
Melon Patch Melon PatchCeloSeven Mile Ridge Rd, Celo
Memorial Day Star Memorial Day StarBakersvilleHobson Rd [off Hwy 261, to the left, going toward Roan Mtn], Bakersville
Molar StarCustom BlockMolar StarBurnsvilleDr. Scott Poling, 302 W 19E Bypass, Burnsville
Moon and Star Moon & StarBurnsvilleDixie Styles Antiques, E Main St & Hwy 19E, Burnsville
Mortar and PestleCustom BlockMortar & PestleBakersvilleBakersville Pharmacy, Bakersville
Mighty Mouse BridgeCustom BlockMighty Mouse BridgePensacola315 Tennis Court Rd., Burnsville
Minnesota Living in the Mountains Minnesota Living in the MountainsBurnsvilleCarriage House, corner of Hwy 19 and S Main St, Burnsville
Misty Ridge Mountains Misty Mountain RidgesPensacolaCattail Community Center, 45 Deep Gap Rd, Burnsville
Moon and Star Over the MountainCustom BlockMoon & Star Over the MountainBurnsvilleCultural Resource Center, 113 Green Mountain Rd, Burnsville
Monkey Wrench Monkey WrenchBee LogJimmy Chandler Barn, Scronce’s Creek Rd, west of Burnsville, off Hwy 19
Mountain BanjoCustom BlockMountain Banjo Weaverville, NC
Mountain Heritage Mountain HeritageLickskilletMountain Heritage High School, Hwy 19E, west of Burnsville
Mountain Laurel Mountain LaurelBeech Mountain3560 Beech Mountain Rd Beech Mountain [in Avery County]
Mountain SaddlebagsCustom BlockMountain Saddlebags Haywood County, NC
North Carolina Star NC StarBurnsvilleToe River Arts Council, West Main St, Burnsville
New York Beauty New York BeautyBurnsvilleThe New Library, Green Mtn Rd & School Circle, Burnsville
Night Heavens Night HeavensGreen Mountain7130 Jacks Creek Rd, Green Mountain
NC Bear Paw North Carolina Bear PawCeloLittle Switzerland Post Office – 9455 Hwy 226A, Little Switzerland
Ohio Star Ohio StarBee LogHome of Chloe Ramsey, Bald Mountain Rd, Bee Log Community
Old Maid's Ramble Old Maid’s RambleLickskilletBill Buckner Barn, Price’s Creek Rd at Hwy 19, Burnsville
Open DoorCustom BlockOpen Door Clyde, NC
Old Indian Trail Old Indian Trail 1685 Acquoni Rd, Cherokee, NC
Over and Under Over and UnderCelo234 Buddha Ln, Celo [made from bottle caps!]
Painted Trillium Painted TrilliumCeloPainted Trillium Gallery, Little Switzerland
Parallelogram ParallelogramGreen Mountain224 Echo Hill Rd, Green Mtn
Peony PeonyPensacola1826 Wildwood Dr, Burnsville
Peopny & Forget-Me-Nots Peony & Forget-Me-NotsBurnsville1760 Hortons Creek Rd, Burnsville
Pick and ShovelCustom BlockPick & ShovelSpruce PineThe Wylie Building, Spruce Pine
Pillars of Habitat Pillars of HabitatLickskilletHabitat Construction Facility, on Mountain Heritage HS campus, Burnsville
Pine Crossings Pine CrossingsSpruce PinePine Crossings Antique Shop, Hwy 226, Spruce Pine; .5 mi from Blue Ridge Parkway
Pine Tree Pine TreeBakersville493 Locust Knob Tower Rd, Bakersville
Pineapple Friendship Star Pineapple Friendship StarBurnsvilleYancey County Chamber of Commerce, 106 W Main St, Burnsville
Potter's KnotCustom BlockPotter’s Knot Prince Edward Island, Canada
Providence ProvidenceSpruce Pine109 Arrowhead Ridge Rd, Spruce Pine
Pumpkin Vine Pumpkin VineBakersville515 Sunset Mtn Rd, Bakersville
Pyrotechnics PyrotechnicsPensacolaOn shop of John and Kathy Hogan on Toodies Creek in Pensacola
Radio WindmillCustom BlockRadio Windmill StarArbuckleWKYK Radio Station, 749 Sawmill Hollow Rd, Burnsville
Railroad Crossing Railroad CrossingBurnsvilleSubway Restaurant, 110 Reservoir Rd & Hwy 19E, Burnsville
Railroad Quilt Railroad QuiltGreen MountainToe River Rd, Green Mountain
Raspberries and CreamCustom BlockRaspberries and CreamBurnsvilleMary Jane’s Bakery 110 E. Main St. Burnsville
Rising MoonCustom BlockRising Moon Over Magic MountainsPensacolaCorner of Toodie’s Creek and 197S, Burnsville
Rising Stars Rising StarsArbuckleEast Yancey Middle School, 285 Georges Fork Rd, Burnsville
Rising Sun Rising SunCelo2061 Hickory Springs Rd, Celo
Rose RoseBurnsvilleYancey County Public Library, Town Square, Burnsville
Rose RoseBurnsville729 Barebridge Dr, Burnsville
Sawtooth Star Sawtooth StarBurnsvilleThe Colonial, 211 E Main St, Burnsville
School Girl's Puzzle Schoolgirl’s PuzzleBurnsvilleThe Terrell House, 109 Robertson St, Burnsville
Scrapaholic Scrapaholic’s DelightGreen MountainToe River Rd, Green Mountain
Sea Star Sea StarBurnsville687 Barebridge Dr. Burnsville
Shepherd's Light Shepherd’s LightPensacola290 King Hwy, High Pastures, Burnsville; near the end of George’s Fork
Shooting Star Shooting StarArbuckleSerendipity Frame Shop, 511 E US Hwy 19, Burnsville
Simplicity SimplicityBee LogBarn of Robert Thompson & Melissa Will, 1393 Bald Mtn Rd, Bee Log Community
Slave Chain Slave ChainCeloBeck Gray Pottery Studio, Hannah Branch Rd, Celo
Small Business Small BusinessBakersville57 Hwy 226N [Just before the intersection of 261 and 226], Bakersville
SneakersCustom BlockSneakersBurnsvilleThe Old Bursnville Gym, School Circle, Burnsville
Speck TroutacularCustom BlockSpeck-TroutcularBakersville10516 Hwy 226N, Bakersville
Spinning Car WheelCustom BlockSpinning Car WheelGreen Mountain118 Sams Branch Rd, Green Mountain
Spinning Color Wheel Spinning Color WheelBakersville156 Pizzle View, Bakersville
Shooting Star SpoolsSpruce PineWhitson Electric, 31 Cross St, Spruce Pine
StarfishCustom BlockStarfishLickskillet220 JR Pate Rd, Burnsville
Starlight StarlightArbuckle200 Dewberry Lane [off Boxwood, which is off 19E], Burnsville
Star of Bethlehem Star of BethlehemBurnsvilleShoal Creek Baptist Church, 1867 E US Hwy 19E, Burnsville
Star of Nutrition Star of NutritionBurnsvilleW Main St, Burnsville
Star of ReliefCustom BlockStar of ReliefGreen MountainToe River Rd Extension, Green Mountain
Star of the East Star of the EastGreen MountainGriffith’s Store, Tipton Hill
Star of the Milky Way Star of the Milky WayPensacola2635 Cattail Creek Rd, Burnsville
State of NC State of NCBurnsvilleYancey County Extension Office – 10 Orchard Dr, Burnsville
Streams & MountainsCustom BlockStreams & MountainsCeloThe Cove at Celo Mountain, Celo
Summer Sun Summer SunPensacolaState Hwy 197S, Burnsville
SundialCustom BlockSundialBurnsvilleYancey Common Times Journal, 22 N Main St, Burnsville
Sunflower SunflowerBakersville5394 Hwy 261, Bakersville
Temperance Tree Temperance TreeSpruce PineHome of the Perfect Christmas Tree, 262 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine
Thunder and Lightning Thunder and LightningCelo273 Laurel Dr. in Yancey County
Toothbrush StarCustom BlockToothbrush StarBurnsvilleDr John Renfro, Dentist, 534 E. US Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville
Traveler's Star Traveler’s StarBurnsvilleDe la Casa, Green Mtn Rd & School Circle, Burnsville
Tree pf Life Tree of LifeGreen MountainBeech Creek, 10253 N 226 Hwy, Buladean
Tree of Life Tree of Life Landrum, SC
Trip Around the World Trip Around the WorldCelo268 Sully Lane [off Seven Mile Ridge Rd], Celo
Turkey Tracks Turkey TracksBee LogJeffcoat Barn at Scronce’s Creek Rd, West of Burnsville off Hwy 19
TwinkletoesCustom BlockTwinkletoesBurnsvilleBurnsville Hosiery, W Main St at Ferguson Hill Rd, Bursnville
Wagon Wheel Wagon WheelPensacola307 Cattail Creek Road, Burnsville
Wedding Ring Wedding RingGreen Mountain1173 Whitson Branch Rd, Bakersville
What Floats You BoatCustom BlockWhat Floats Your BoatBakersvilleLoafer’s Glory Rafting, 2637 Hwy 226N, Loafer’s Glory
Wheel of Fortune Wheel of FortuneSpruce PineHigh Valley Construction, 6573 Hwy 226 S, Spruce Pine
WintergreeneCustom BlockWintergreeneBakersville38 Stonewall Lane, Bakersville
Witches Star Witch’s StarBurnsville480 Bukeridge [off of Aunt Effie’s Ln, which is off Green Mtn Rd], Burnsville
Writer's Block Writer’s BlockBurnsville235 Rocky Springs Hts, Burnsville
Wonder of the World Wonder of the WorldSpruce PineSpruce Pine Montessori School 67 Walnut Ave., Spruce Pine
Yankee MagnoliaCustom BlockYankee Magnolia Lake Wales, FL

Custom-Designed Quilt Blocks

Browse through the examples below to see how I and barbra have worked to come up with the perfect, unique, block for these people and businesses!

Quilt BlocksBlock Story
'65 Vette’65 ‘VetteThe ’65 ‘Vette block was designed for Burnsville Chevrolet. The owner’s favorite car was the ’65 Corvette. There are two cars in the design – front and back, creating the four fold symmetry. The black rectangles are the tires. If you know what a ’65 Corvette looks like you will be able to see the Corvette in the block. You can see this block on the Burnsville Trail.
A Bridge to LearningA Bridge to LearningBridge to Learning hangs on a school that has a cardinal for their mascot. The block shows open book top left, cardinal top right, and a swinging bridge across the bottom. The students used to have to cross the swinging bridge to get to school.
Amazing Education PuzzleAmazing Education PuzzleDestiny Bello, a 4th grader at Gouge Elementary School submitted a design for this quilt block which we modified only slightly to have it conform to the rules. The school colors are in the background triangles. The pencils at either side and the rulers at top and bottom along with the apple in the middle all clearly say SCHOOL! Her clever use of a hexagon to make the apple was very quilty. We congratulate Destiny on her thoughtful design and the terrific name she gave her block and are pleased to add it to the Quilt Trails of Western North Carolina. You can see this block on the Bakersville Trail.
Apple Tree Hill Apple Tree HillThis customer wanted to feature an apple tree in their quilt block, and all the traditional apple tree blocks were already taken, so we needed to design one. We try very hard to make our blocks pieceable, but this one requires some preassembly. The background is made entirely of triangles, but the apple slices will have to be pre-assembled by a quilter and then appliquéd onto the background. The owner of the block was a quilter, so we knew she could handle the appliqué, but we also want other quilters to be able to make the blocks. That is why we try very hard to make all the blocks we design in such a way that they can be pieced and not appliquéd. We don’t always succeed, but we have seldom broken our own rules, making our collection of quilt square accessible to most skill levels of quilters. You can see this block on the Pensacola Trail.
Arbuckle Coffee PotArbuckle Coffee PotThis block is made from four coffee pots that create a star when turned into a quartet. Each coffee pot is made from triangles and rectangles. The coffee pot links the history of the site to the name of the road. The road was named for Samuel Howell who was known by his friends as “Arbuckle” because he drank so much Arbuckle Coffee. You can buy Arbuckle coffee by the cup at Mary Jane’s bakery, or by the package at our Gift Shop. It is an organic coffee made in Arizona. The block is colored in the corporate colors of Arbuckle Coffee. You can see this block on the Arbuckle Trail.
Blue Ridge Mountain AppluBlue Ridge Apple TreeThis block was designed to look like an apple tree. There are actually two of these blocks hanging on the site – one with red apples, the other with yellow apples. This is another block made of squares and rectangles and should be easy to piece by a beginner quilter. You can see this block on the Pensacola Trail.
Books & Coffee CupsBooks & Coffee CupsThis block shows two coffee cups and two open books (looking down on the books from the top – with the covers at 90 degree angle and the pages flared open). This clever block tells the story of the site where it hangs – a coffee shop/book store in Little Switzerland. It is a “pieceable” block of medium difficulty for a beginning quilter. You can see this block on the Celo Trail.
Brush Arbor MeetingBrush Arbor MeetingBrush Arbor Meeting hangs on a church – people used to come from miles around and spend several days camped out for a revival. They made a pulpit out of brush plus an arbor to shield the pastor from the sun.
Burnsville BobcatBurnsville BobcatThis block was designed from elements submitted by the students at Burnsville Elementary School. Their mascot is a bobcat and they wanted that in the block. The students submitted great designs involving books, pencils and rulers. This block uses the books and pencils, has a math feature in it, and also shows the Bobcat. The pyramids around the bobcat’s head show addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It is painted in the school’s colors of teal and purple. You can see it on the Arbuckle Trail.
Cat Tracks & Snail TrailsCat Tracks and Snail TrailsThis block can be strip-pieced, and is a weaving design converted to a quilt design. This was a very clever conversion and would make a spectacular quilt either as one big solo block, or with multiple blocks sewn together. Careful study of the design will reveal how to strip piece it. The block hangs on the weaving cabin at Penland School. As far as we know, this is the first time a weaving pattern has been converted to a quilting pattern. You can see this block on the Spruce Pine Trail.
Circuit Board Circuit BoardThe Circuit Board block can be seen on the Radio Shack in Burnsville. This block was designed so it could be strip-pieced and turned into a great quilt for your favorite geek. A takeoff on the computer circuit board, it shows little transistors with correct color bands (for those in the know). We made the background red instead of the usual green at the request of the owner of the Radio Shack franchise in Burnsville. It makes a great block.
Coathanger StarCoat Hanger StarThe Coat Hanger Star uses a traditional star pattern, but the hook of the coat hanger has been added to the top of each triangle to make the star look like a set of colorful coathangers. The way the color is set into the block also creates a cross, reflecting the owner’s Christian faith. The block was designed for Woody’s Quality Cleaners – a dry cleaning establishment. You can see this block on the Burnsville Trail. 
Doctor on CallDoctor on CallThis unique block has a story to tell. The subdued business colors in the block were chosen to indicate competence and professionalism. The red and purple hint at the heart and physical nature behind what the doctors do. The dark and light colors in the neutral background are to hint at day and night because a doctor must always be ready, no matter what time of day. The complexity of the block hints at how difficult the doctor’s job is and how much they have to train for it. The two crosses in the block hint at the spiritual aspects of the doctor’s job and how life and death are always hanging in the balance. There are nurse figures in the four corners with their arms raised, hinting at the guardian angels that seem to travel with doctors and also referencing the many contributions that nurses make to the profession. The hour glass figures speak to the critical nature of decisions sometimes required by doctors, and remind us that doctors are always on call.
Double VisionDouble VisionThis block hangs on the office of an Eye Doctor and contains those familiar Es we have all seen. But the block also contains a heart, and the entire block is painted with color-blind colors. If you are not color blind you will be able to see the heart. If you are color blind, the heart will be invisible to you. Can you see the heart? You can see this block on the Spruce Pine Trail.
Down By the RiverDown by the RiverThe students of Cane River Middle School submitted designs for their quilt block. We took those designs and combined three of them to make this block. The school was built on a site beside the Cane River. When they broke ground for the school, they discovered a lot of Indian artifacts and stopped construction in order to do an archeological dig. The block contains three design elements: the mountains reflected in the river, an Indian feather, and the letters CRMS. While we don’t usually allow words or letters on our quilt blocks, these were so cleverly created, that they actually create a hidden message in the block. When you look at the block the letters are not apparent. By making a quartet out of the block, the entire design ended up looking like an Indian blanket and the CRMS became a code that only students of the school will see, unless you know where to look. The block is painted in the school colors of red and black. You can see it on the Lickskillet Trail.
DozerDozerThis block is a clever design using squares and what is known in the quilting world as half square triangles. The little bulldozers that result from the combination of squares and half square triangles have been a popular hit with tourists and locals alike. The quartet of bulldozers has a drafting mistake. Can you find it? (Hint – it has to do with symmetry.) You can see this block on the Lickskillet Trail.
Farmer's Wife StarFarmer’s Wife StarThe Farmer’s Wife block has been requested numerous times, but sadly, there is only one Farmer’s Wife block. So we added a start to the original Farmer’s Wife block and created a unique block which we called Farmer’s Wife Star. The original Farmer’s Wife block is on the Green Mountain Trail, as is this block
Farmer's Wife StarFishWhile this is a traditional quilt block, we added curves and spots to the original to make the fish look like Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout, favorite fishing targets of the owner. This block was our 100th block. You can see it on the Pensacola Trail.

Fish SkilletSometimes it is easy to see the pattern of one’s life. The quilt block of Jerry and Trish Fairchild clearly reflects their pattern from the central theme of fish in a skillet to the trillium in each corner of the square for the Fairchilds’ four lovely daughters: Bridgett, Shelly, Somer, and Amber. Jerry and Trish have lived on the family farm off and on since their marriage, and their block celebrates their history and heritage.Jerry remembers: “Murphy Creek is a small stream near where my Grandma and Grandpa lived as far back as I can remember. It has been over 50 years since my grandmother Mary Sant Fairchild took her cane fishing pole in the early morning and walked from the front porch of their old two-room cabin down a winding dirt trail to one of our special fishing holes to catch me a mess of fresh rainbow trout for breakfast. Grandma knew that I liked to have fresh trout, scrambled eggs, and her homemade buttered biscuits during the times I visited her in my spring breaks from grade school down in Burke County in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. Most of the time she would quietly leave the cabin with pole in hand at the break of dawn, just so she could return to have me waking with the smell of those wonderful aromas coming from the food cooking on the old wood stove. Sometimes, I pause outside our mountain home today, close my eyes, and can still almost hear and smell those fish frying.The Fish Skillet block, made mostly from triangles, has a black skillet with two fish frying in the middle. Four Trilliums are in the corners. You can see this block on the Celo Trail.
Georgia Dwag Georgia DawgThe Georgia Dawg block is owned by a rabid Georgia fan who asked us to design a Georgia Bulldog block but not have it look like a Georgia Bulldog. While it does look like a Georgia Bulldog, it isn’t immediately apparent because of the quartet treatment of the solitary dog in the block. You can see this block on a cabin at Wolf Laurel in Madison County.
Golf Ball Boogie Golf Ball BoogieYou can find this block on the clubhouse of the Grassy Creek golf course in Spruce Pine. The block is made from circles and straight lines, though it appears there are more curves than there really are. A block for advanced quilters. You can find this block on the Spruce Pine Trail.
Kubota TractorKubota TractorHere is another tractor block made of triangles and squares. The block was to honor the woman’s husband who had a “love affair” with his Kubota Tractor. A really great quilt could be made by combining alternating blocks of the Dozer and Kubota Tractor blocks. You can see this block on the Bee Log Trail.
What Floats You BoatLeaves in the SpokesCombining references to bicycles and leaves, this block also references a quilt block on the home of the owners’ bike shop (on the Pensacola Trail called Pyrotechnics). Their original block was chosen because it looked like bicycle spokes. We added leaves to the block to also reflect the New Leaf Design business of the wife, and the block also references the husband’s Solstice Cycles bike shop. You can see the block on the Burnsville Trail.
Life's PathLife’s PathRequested by the Hospice organization in Haywood County, Life’s Path illustrates our path through life from our early bright childhood years to our aging, fading years. The colors travel from bright to dim, the sun and moon are also depicted in the block. The colors represent the progression of our lives.
Little Poplar SchoolhouseLittle Poplar SchoolhouseOver a dozen students submitted designs for the quilt block to be hung on Mitchell High School. In the end, we combined two of those designs. David Martinez designed a square as a tribute to the little one room school house that sits on Mitchell’s campus. Daniel Patrella offered up a logo design using the letter “M” with colors to signify the merging of Harris, whose color was dark blue, and Bowman, whose color was maroon into a stunning shade of purple. Looking at the design, you can see how the mountains in the background help form the letter “m” around the old Poplar school house. The block is painted in the school colors and was the 200th quilt block to go up. You can see it on the Bakersville Trail.
Maple Leaf StarMaple Leaf StarThe Maple Leaf Star hangs on the Sugar Shack on Lickskillet – Maple Creek Farm is the southernmost maple syrup operation in the states. We took the Maple Leaf block and added a star to it. You can see this block on the Lickskillet Trail.
McIntosh DaughterMcIntosh DaughterThis block hangs on Jill’s Hairport in Burnsville. Jill was a McIntosh and when she saw the McIntosh star go up on the McIntosh barn at the edge of town, she also wanted one. Since we don’t allow duplicates in our trail system, we took that original McIntosh star block (which is painted in the colors of the McIntosh Tartan – and the plaid tartan can be seen in the background) and we added another star to the middle of it. The second star indicates the Daughter aspect of the story, while also changing the block to make it unique. You can see this block on the Burnsville Trail.
Molar Star Molar StarThe dentist who requested this block wanted us to use the shape of a tooth called a molar to make the block. This is probably the most complex grid of all our blocks and is an extremely clever design. You can see the grid in the Burnsville Tour Guide. You can see this block on the Burnsville Trail.
Mortar and Pestle Mortar & PestleAnother block designed with mostly triangles, when put together as a quartet, a star is created from the mortar and pestle. This block is all straight lines and should be relatively easy to piece. You can find this block on the Bakersville Trail.
Broken Dishes Mountain BanjoWell obviously this person is a banjo player. The trick was to make a banjo out of circles, triangles, rectangles and squares and still have it look like a traditional quilt block. We came up with several designs, and this was the one chosen by the customer. But the rest of the designs are still available – so if you play the banjo…
Mountain Saddlebags Mountain SaddlebagsMountain Saddlebags tells the story of the Circuit Rider – there is a Bible in the middle of the block.
Open Door Open DoorThe Open Door block hangs on a bank in Clyde which was the only bank to remain open during the depression.
Pick and Shovel Pick and ShovelThe present-day Wylie Building on the lower street in Spruce Pine has its roots deep in the heart of the community and has experienced several incarnations during its lifetime. The building, restored by David and Pam Wylie and Cynthia Nash, currently stands as a prominent symbol of Spruce Pine’s revitalization efforts. The building was erected in 1922 by one of the state’s industrial pioneers, Colonel C. J. Harris (1854-1944), and began life in 1923 as the Spruce Pine Store Company. Harris and his brothers had purchased Jackson County’s Carolina Clay Company in 1888, renaming it the Harris Clay Company and jump-starting the clay industry in western North Carolina. The company mined clay, or kaolin, in Mitchell, Avery, Yancey, Jackson, Swain, and Haywood counties, and became important in supplying strategic military materials as a result of Harris’s encouragement of scientific research methods. The quilt block speaks to the building’s mining history. The deep green in the block refers to the Emeralds mined in the area. You can find this block on the Spruce Pine Trail.
Potter's KnotPotter’s KnotThis block was designed for a potter who lives on Prince Edward Island and hints at the shapes of the pots she makes and is painted in the colors she uses in her glazes. Remarkably, there are no traditional quilt blocks about pottery. You will have to go to Prince Edward Island, Canada, to see this one.
Radio Windmill Radio Windmill StarThe Radio Windmill block was the obvious choice for the WKYK radio station, but it lacked pizzazz, so we added a star to it. We have been consciously trying to get a star into most of the blocks in Burnsville, and this gave us the opportunity to make the radio station a star. The station has served Burnsville for years as their only media star. You can see this block on the Arbuckle Trail.
Raspberries and Cream Raspberries & CreamMary Jane’s Bakery owns this block. They serve food that sometimes comes from their own gardens. We had designed a block called Strawberries and Cream for a trail in West Tennessee, so we modified the strawberries and made them into raspberries for Mary Jane. You can see this block on the Burnsville Trail.
Rising MoonRising Moon Over Magic MountainsThis block is a takeoff of Moon Over the Mountain – a traditional quilt block known by most quilters. But our mountains are complex, full of waterfalls and a rich diversity of plant life, so the block reflects more complex mountains, even hinting of a special aura around the moon. Our dark skies yield amazing stargazing, so this block gives a nod to our special skies as well. We were deeply flattered and honored to have well-known TV personality, Georgia Bonesteel, put this block on her studio. This block can be seen on the Pensacola Trail.
Sneakers SneakersThe Sneakers block was designed for the Burnsville Gym and is a star made up of …, well, Sneakers. The line drawing of the block shows a perfect star in the middle, but when color is added, one of the shoes has to be in the background, so the star becomes imperfect. Can you find the shoe on top? This block is on the Burnsville Trail.
Speck Troutacular Speck-TroutcularThis block was painted to show the Brook Trout, known by natives as the “Speckled Trout” found in the streams that come from Roan Mountain. The block is constructed of mostly triangles and can be made completely by piecing. This block can be seen on the Green Mountain Trail.
Starfish StarfishThe Fish block is frequently requested, but since it is already taken, we have to get creative with the design so people can still have a fish block. In this version we added a star to the middle of the original traditional fish block, and behold, we had Starfish. You can see this block on the Lickskillet Trail.
Streams & Mountains Streams & MountainsThis block gives a nod to the many streams and mountains in the area, with their many shades of greens and blues. It can be seen on the Celo Trail.
Sundial SundialThis block breaks some of our design rules for obvious reasons. The math for the sundial was done by Bob Hampton. Martin Webster took the math and turned it into graphics for the quilt block. The radiating lines are 30 minute increments. The wavy line across the bottom that looks like mountains is actually the Equation of Time which you use to get accurate clock time off the sundial. The increments in the Equation of Time are 5 minutes. Rather than put the gnomon (the rod that casts the shadow) in the middle of the block, we raised it to near the top so it wouldn’t be a hazard, which allowed us to create the radiating rays and also left us with a blank spot at the top. After some brainstorming, Bob suggested we show where the stars were in the sky at the first dawn in Yancey County. So that is what we did. To learn more of the significance of all the graphics on the sundial, you can pick up a free brochure about it at the Yancey Common Times Journal office – the building that is home to the sundial. This block is on the Burnsville Trail.
Toothbrush Star Toothbrush StarThis block resides on a dentist’s office and is a clever star made from toothbrushes. It can be seen on the Burnsville Trail.
Twinkletoes TwinkletoesWe always try to find a block that will help tell the story of the site where it hangs, but we couldn’t find any blocks about socks. The Burnsville Hosiery Mill has been making socks for decades and we wanted to tell their story. The design that Martin Webster came up with shows a star made out of socks which really tells the story. The Burnsville Hosiery Mill is the oldest manufacturing facility in town – a true star for the community. This is the only quilt block in our system that contains a painted gradient. You can see it on the Burnsville Trail.
What Floats You Boat What Floats Your BoatLoafer’s Glory has long been sought out by tourists just because of its name. The Loafer’s Glory Rafting Company needed a special block to show off what they do. Using triangles and squares, Martin Webster again came up with the perfect block that tells a story and gave it a clever name. You can see this block on the Bakersville Trail.
Wintergreene WintergreeneThere is a small mountain plant called Wintergreen that has two-tone green leaves and small white berries and is very aromatic when the leaves are crushed. Jane Greene wanted to use this plant as the design for her quilt block. She named the design Wintergreene. This block is on the Arbuckle Trail.
Yankee Magnolia Yankee MagnoliaThis block lives in Florida and was designed for a couple from different parts of the country. The husband was a Yankee, his wife was from the south. So we combined a block called Yankee Pride with a block called Magnolia Blossom and came up with Yankee Magnolia.